Lucid Hallucinations
It has begun. . .My trial prescription of mefloquine, more commonly known as Lariam. Lariam is used as a defense against protozoan parasites which invade the red blood cells and cause a fever known throughout the world as "Malaria". Where I will be at in Bangalore is an area which is considered an at risk zone for this febrile illness. The keyword in the opening sentence is "trial", yes this is a two week trial run of this preventative measure. The reason for this pilot study stems from the fact that Lariam often has disadvantageous effects on the user, in this case. . .Me. Located on the pill bottle itself is an offering of advice: "Call your Doctor immediately if you experience mood changes, such as new or worsening feelings of Sadness, Depression, Or Fear". I ingested my first pill yesterday, awaiting the possible side affects to come, which according to the CDC can include: headache, nausea, dizziness, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, vivid dreams, and visual disturbances. A difficult restless night awaited me as I woke numerous times after having nightmarish dreams. Deleterious experiences from my past coupled with fictitious situations of the present came alive within my encephalon. Today I have been experiencing a quasi-dream state, and a feeling in my chest which resembles the sense one gets after imbibing one to many cups of coffee. There are alternatives however, and after discovering that I am susceptible to the side affects which Lariam provides I am now looking towards the other possibilities. In the mean time however, I have a weeks worth of Lariam in my system and will now be able to experience lucid hallucinations for an unknown number of nights.
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